01 June 2005


  1. You think Iraq is a top-of-the-line Camaro.
  2. Your Spring wardrobe mostly involves scissors.
  3. You know at least six ways to bend a baseball cap.
  4. You have more than ten cats living under your trailer.
  5. You have ever thrown up in a police car.
  6. You have ever had to appear in court due to your dogs.
  7. Your local grocery store has a few pool tables.
  8. You have ever tried to use food stamps to mail a watermelon.
  9. You have ever had to hitch hike on your honeymoon.
  10. Your brother-in-law is also your uncle.
  11. You have ever sent out birth announcements for new puppies.
  12. You have ever named a child after a good dog.
  13. You have to mow around a refridgerator and a bed frame.
  14. Everyone in your house learns a little something from a toilet training video.
  15. You were born with a plastic spoon in your mouth.

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